
Contributions to flutils can be made by sending a Merge request via fork of GitLab. If you don’t have a GitLab account you can sign up here.



pyenv is used to install and manage different versions of Python on your system and will not effect the system’s Python.

  1. Install the pyenv prerequisites.

  2. (Optional) By default pyenv will be installed at ~/.pyenv. If you desire, change the install location by setting the environment variable, PYENV_ROOT, with the new location (e.g. export PYENV_ROOT=/a/new/path).

  3. Run the following to install:

    >>> curl -L | bash
    • Make sure to follow any post install instructions.

    • Mac users can install pyenv via homebrew. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED; because, updates to pyenv lag behind. Use at your own peril.

  4. Restart your shell so that path changes take effect:

    >>> exec "${SHELL}"
  5. Add the xxenv-latest plug-in to pyenv:

    >>> git clone "$(pyenv root)"/plugins/xxenv-latest


flutils is designed to work with multiple versions of Python. So, we need to make sure the latest versions are installed.

  • As new versions of Python are released you’ll need to follow these same instructions.

  1. Update pyenv:

    >>> pyenv update
  2. Install the latest versions of the following Pythons:

    >>> pyenv latest install -v
    >>> pyenv latest install -v 3.7
    >>> pyenv latest install -v 3.6


pipenv is used for setting up a development virtualenv and installing and managing the development dependencies.

Follow the instructions for installing pipenv here.


There has not been a new release of pipenv since 2018-11-26. There are also rumors that the project may be dead. Because of this, sometime in the future, flutils will replace the use of pipenv with poetry.



  1. Clone the flutils code from GitLab :

    • Clone with SSH:

      >>> git clone
    • or, with HTTPS:

      >>> git clone
  2. Change directory:

    >>> cd flutils

Virtual Environment

  1. In the code’s root directory run the following command to setup the virtualenv needed for development:

    >>> pipenv install --dev --python "$(pyenv root)/versions/$(pyenv latest -p)/bin/python"
  2. To activate the flutils virtualenv:

    >>> pipenv shell


Within the activated flutils virtualenv, the following commands can be used to test code changes:

  • ./ test will run all unit tests, integration tests and type checks (mypy).

  • ./ coverage will run all the tests and produce a coverage report.

  • ./ lint will run code analysis checks using pylint.

  • ./ style will run code styling enforcement checks using flake8.

  • ./ security will run code security checks using bandit.

  • ./ pipelinetests will run all of the above tests.

  • make tests will run all of the above tests across the multiple supported versions of Python using tox. make sure to run this command before submitting a pull-request. Code that does not pass this test will not be accepted.

CI Environment


This requires Docker to be installed and running.

Run the following commands when a new version of Python has been released:

  1. If a new minor version (e.g. 3.9) of Python has been released, changes need to be made in tests/Dockerfile to reflect the new version.

  2. To build a new Docker image with the latest supported versions of Python:

    >>> make docker-image
  3. Deploy the newly built Docker image to the regestry:

    >>> make docker-image-push

New Release

  1. Bump the version number in flutils/, commit and push.

  2. Update the build requirements for the documentation build server.

    >>> make docs-requirements
  3. Cut a new tag:

    >>> git tag "v$(python -c 'import flutils; print(flutils.__version__)')"
  4. Push the new tag:

    >>> git push --tags
  5. Build and push the release to

    >>> make sdist-push-test
  6. Go to the link shown in the output of the above command and verify everything.

  7. Build and push the release to

    >>> make sdist-push
