Source code for flutils.strutils

import re

_CAMEL_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE = re.compile('((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))')

[docs]def camel_to_underscore( text: str ) -> str: """Convert a camel-cased string to a string containing words separated with underscores. Args: text (str): The camel-cased string to convert. Returns: str: An underscore separated string. Example: >>> from flutils import camel_to_underscore >>> camel_to_underscore('FooBar') 'foo_bar' """ return _CAMEL_TO_UNDERSCORE_RE.sub(r'_\1', text).lower()
[docs]def underscore_to_camel( text: str, lower_first: bool = True ) -> str: """Convert a string with words separated by underscores to a camel-cased string. Args: text (str): The camel-cased string to convert. lower_first (bool, optional): Lowercase the first character. Defaults to ``True`` Returns: str: A camel-cased string. Examples: >>> from flutils import underscore_to_camel >>> underscore_to_camel('foo_bar') 'fooBar' >>> underscore_to_camel('_one__two___',lower_first=False) 'OneTwo' """ out = ''.join([x.capitalize() or '' for x in text.split('_')]) if lower_first is True: return out[:1].lower() + out[1:] return out