Source code for flutils.objutils

from collections import (
from import (
from typing import Any as _Any


[docs]def has_any_attrs(obj: _Any, *attrs: str) -> bool: """Check if the given ``obj`` has **ANY** of the given ``*attrs``. Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. *attrs (:obj:`str`): The names of the attributes to check. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if any of the given ``*attrs`` exist on the given ``obj``; * :obj:`False` otherwise. Example: >>> from flutils import has_any_attrs >>> has_any_attrs(dict(),'get','keys','items','values','something') True """ for attr in attrs: if hasattr(obj, attr) is True: return True return False
[docs]def has_any_callables(obj: _Any, *attrs: str) -> bool: """Check if the given ``obj`` has **ANY** of the given ``attrs`` and are callable. Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. *attrs (:obj:`str`): The names of the attributes to check. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if ANY of the given ``*attrs`` exist on the given ``obj`` and ANY are callable; * :obj:`False` otherwise. Example: >>> from flutils import has_any_callables >>> has_any_callables(dict(),'get','keys','items','values','foo') True """ if has_any_attrs(obj, *attrs) is True: for attr in attrs: if callable(getattr(obj, attr)) is True: return True return False
[docs]def has_attrs( obj: _Any, *attrs: str ) -> bool: """Check if given ``obj`` has all the given ``*attrs``. Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. *attrs (:obj:`str`): The names of the attributes to check. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if all the given ``*attrs`` exist on the given ``obj``; * :obj:`False` otherwise. Example: >>> from flutils import has_attrs >>> has_attrs(dict(),'get','keys','items','values') True """ for attr in attrs: if hasattr(obj, attr) is False: return False return True
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]def has_callables( obj: _Any, *attrs: str ) -> bool: """Check if given ``obj`` has all the given ``attrs`` and are callable. Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. *attrs (:obj:`str`): The names of the attributes to check. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if all the given ``*attrs`` exist on the given ``obj`` and all are callable; * :obj:`False` otherwise. Example: >>> from flutils import has_callables >>> has_callables(dict(),'get','keys','items','values') True """ if has_attrs(obj, *attrs) is True: for attr in attrs: if callable(getattr(obj, attr)) is False: return False return True return False
[docs]def is_list_like( obj: _Any ) -> bool: """Check that given ``obj`` acts like a list and is iterable. List-like objects are instances of: - :obj:`UserList <collections.UserList>` - :obj:`Iterator <>` - :obj:`KeysView <>` - :obj:`ValuesView <>` - :obj:`deque <collections.deque>` - :obj:`frozenset` - :obj:`list` - :obj:`set` - :obj:`tuple` List-like objects are **NOT** instances of: - :obj:`None` - :obj:`bool` - :obj:`bytes` - :obj:`ChainMap <collections.ChainMap>` - :obj:`Counter <collections.Counter>` - :obj:`OrderedDict <collections.OrderedDict>` - :obj:`UserDict <collections.UserDict>` - :obj:`UserString <collections.UserString>` - :obj:`defaultdict <collections.defaultdict>` - :obj:`Decimal <decimal.Decimal>` - :obj:`dict` - :obj:`float` - :obj:`int` - :obj:`str` - etc... Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if the given ``obj`` is list-like; : * :obj:`False` otherwise. Examples: >>> from flutils import is_list_like >>> is_list_like([1, 2, 3]) True >>> is_list_like(reversed([1, 2, 4])) True >>> is_list_like('hello') False >>> is_list_like(sorted('hello')) True """ if is_subclass_of_any(obj, *_LIST_LIKE): return True return False
[docs]def is_subclass_of_any(obj: _Any, *classes: _Any) -> bool: """Check if the given ``obj`` is a subclass of any of the given ``*classes``. Args: obj (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The object to check. *classes (:obj:`Any <typing.Any>`): The classes to check against. :rtype: :obj:`bool` * :obj:`True` if the given ``obj`` is an instance of ANY given ``*classes``; * :obj:`False` otherwise. Example: >>> from flutils import is_subclass_of_any >>> from collections import ValuesView, KeysView, UserList >>> obj = dict(a=1, b=2) >>> is_subclass_of_any(obj.keys(),ValuesView,KeysView,UserList) True """ for cls in classes: if issubclass(obj.__class__, cls): return True return False